Good morning Seahawk Nation,
We have just about completed the interview process for the Class of 2025. What an exceptional group of prospective cadets that will continue to elevate DMA – academically, athletically, and creatively! Two of the resounding takeaways I heard during the interview process were, “I want to be a part of the DMA family” and “You guys really look out for and support your students”. It’s very nice to know and hear that we are hitting the mark, insofar as family-feel and caring. Thank you to all of our families who shared our information via social media, and continue to speak highly of DMA in the community. We know we are not perfect, but we strive for it every day and feel it is imperative to have a two-way line of communication. You may not always get the answer you are looking for or the desired result, but you will be heard, and responded to in a kind and professional manner.
We wanted to share with you that DMA Administration is meeting regularly, to discuss how we can hold and celebrate events, such as National Honor Society Induction, Ring Ceremony, NJROTC Awards Night, Prom, and other events that are critically important to our cadets’ high school experience. Of course, Covid continues to restrict so many events that we took for granted, but rest assured we will do all we can to hold these events in a safe manner. For starters, we need the weather to warm up and then we can utilize our stadium to host said events. Please be on the lookout for expected dates, as well as guidelines we will need to follow. Stay tuned, much more to follow in the near future.
Here is what else we have happening at DMA:
- From the desk of the SNSI: To all cadets and families, in case your cadet has not mentioned it, the JROTC program is about to enter the Annual Area Manager’s Annual Military Inspection week from 16-19 February. In a normal year, this would involve a lot of in-person preparation and rehearsals with the cadets for what is a two-day process, which results in the NJROTC program’s ‘grade’ for the year. One of the keys to the school and our cadets being successful at this evolution is maximum attendance. The inspection will still be conducted by our Area Manager—CDR Jimmie Miller, but it will be 100% virtual this year, which means it will happen on a Zoom platform. Attendance has been more of a challenge than usual with COVID, but I cannot stress enough how VITALLY important it is that the school achieve as close to 100% attendance as possible for the inspection day. That means ALL cadets must report into their asynchronous classes that day without exception. There will be an attendance question for each of their classes on Friday, February 19th. For Naval Science, this will be a graded event. Thank you for your attention and assistance with this matter.
- All sophomores and juniors who are academically eligible for the National Honor Society have been sent a link to the application through their DMA email account. The deadline for applications is Monday, February 22 by midnight. Completing the application does not guarantee admission. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Watkins or Mrs. Bradley.
- From the desk of the Attendance Officer: For any absences to be excused, a note must be emailed or sent into the Attendance Officer within one week of a missed absence: Jennifer.Kryspin@DMA.K12.DE.US. An email from a cadet is not acceptable to excuse an absence from class or school. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
We have many irons in the fire at DMA and all of them are to find ways to continue to grow the success and environment of our school. Whether that be expanding our campus footprint, broadening our curriculum, or enhancing our athletic program, we will continue to do whatever it takes to have DMA be at the top of our game. With that being said, we need our cadets to grind, work hard and keep a “can do” mindset. We will continue to exchange ideas, develop plans and ultimately execute the plan(s) when the time is right.
As always, if there is anything we can assist you or your cadet with, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Anthony Pullella