Naval Science
Junior ROTC
DMA is the only public school in the country where every student (cadet) is a member of the Navy Junior ROTC Corp of Cadets. Our NJROTC program is supported by our Naval Science curriculum. All cadets at DMA are enrolled in Naval Science, our leadership course, for all four years. The Naval Science program exposes cadets to the precepts of citizenship, the elements of leadership, and the value of scholarship in attaining life goals. The program is also designed to engender a sound appreciation for the heritage and traditions of the United States of America with a focus on the historical significance of sea power. The Naval Science curriculum includes advanced instruction in the areas of astronomy, meteorology, navigation skills, sea power, national security, and naval history. Hands-on leadership skills are developed through cadet involvement in teaching new cadet drills, proper uniform care, and managing unit activities.
NJROTC Activities
Drill Team
Supply Drive
Chain of Command
Chain of Command
Petty Officer First Class Study Guide
Uniform Price List
Cadets are encouraged to bring exact change.
Cadets purchasing new items to replace lost or stolen items will usually be charged the price of their custody card - not necessarily what is listed on the supply price list (often a newer and higher price).
Community Service
Study Guides
Study Guides
Chief Petty Officer
Chief Petty Officer
Supply Drive
Chain of Command
Petty Officer First Class Study Guide
Uniform Price List
Cadets purchasing new items to replace lost or stolen items will usually be charged the price of their custody card - not necessarily what is listed on the supply price list (often a newer and higher price).
Community Service
Uniform Procedures for
9th Through 11th Grade Cadets
All 9th through 11th-grade cadets are to keep all issued uniforms at the end of the year. If at the start of the new school year a uniform does not fit – that item should be dry cleaned and turned in to supply and a replacement item will be issued. You may at any time replace clothing items that you have grown out of.
A few things to remember – All wall lockers must be cleaned out at the end of the school year, therefore no uniforms can be left in the locker. If they are left at the end of the year they will be confiscated and placed back in supply. This will cause you to lose them and you will end up paying for a lost item. This is your responsibility.
Congrats to our DMA DRILL TEAM!!
2022 Rancocas Valley Regional
Drill Competition Champions!