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In-Person or Virtual Survey

Good afternoon Seahawk Nation,

Attached to this email is DMA’s full Return to Play & In-Person Instruction Plan, as well as a survey (link below) to determine your choice of in-person instruction or to remain virtual. The survey will close at 8:00 am Thursday, October 1st. Families who do not complete the survey will automatically remain in virtual instruction, so it is of the utmost importance to review carefully and select the option that best fits your family’s needs.

We have also spent a great deal of money on improving and upgrading our ventilation and HVAC/heating systems as another safety measure to bring our kids back into a safe environment, but no matter how herculean the efforts we make, we cannot guarantee their health and safety.

We are all well aware of what the risks are, and that is a decision each one of our families will have to make when deciding whether to remain virtual or come back for in-person instruction.

You all know how much work, time, and effort has gone into our planning for every scenario, whether that be athletics, online, in person, or a combination of both. Now the time has come for the DMA community (as we move forward into the next phase), to adhere to the guidelines and policies that have been adopted to ensure we do not take steps in the wrong direction.

We look forward to the first phase and welcome our athletes back to campus this afternoon. Fall athletes, it starts with you!

Here is the link to the survey:

Kind regards.

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