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We’re Half-way Through the School Year!

Good morning Seahawk Nation,

It’s nice to be back with the Staff and Cadets in the building! We are looking forward to keeping them with us and slowly matriculating back into full days, as we get through the winter months and into warmer weather. Here at DMA, we are in the midst of interviewing for the Class of 2025. We have exceptional prospective candidates applying to become DMA cadets, which in turn, makes the future look even brighter for DMA! Please be patient with any calls/emails to Administration, as we are all actively involved in the interview process. We will certainly get back to you at our earliest opportunity!

  • The DMA Board of Directors is seeking qualified applicants for Board Treasurer. If interested, or for further information please contact me at
  • Hard to believe, but we are half-way through the school year! The majority of our cadets are doing exceedingly well, but we do have a few, for whatever reason, are falling behind and we do not want that for our cadets, not even one! We are looking to distribute report cards via HAC by close of business on Friday, January 29th. Please review the report card with your cadet and if you see they are struggling, please reach out. We will work with you to create a plan so that your cadet is being successful.
  • DMA is getting a facelift! We are redoing our website and once it is complete, it will have a fresh new look! The site will be much more user-friendly, have updated pics/media, and easier to navigate. We are excited to see the finished product!
  • AP Exam payments are due by February 5th, but can be made at your earliest convenience. If you have not yet received your invoice, need an additional copy, or have any additional questions, please contact Mrs. Tocyloski at Payments should be made in the form of a check made payable to Delaware Military Academy. Checks can be turned in to Mrs. Tocyloski in her office (second floor McDonald Hall by Supply), the main office, or should be mailed to the school at the following address: Attn: Amy Tocyloski 112 Middleboro Road Wilmington, DE 19804.

A reminder regarding attendance: Second-semester attendance reminders for excused absences/lates per DMA Attendance Policy: A Parent/Guardian must email the Attendance Officer and provide a reason/doctor note. (Absences will not be excused without a parent/guardian note).

    • The Attendance Officer will determine if the absence is excused or unexcused.
    • If a parent/guardian does NOT communicate with a reason for absence within 24 hours, or within 1 week to submit a doctor note, the absence will stay unexcused.

If your cadet experiences tech issues:

1. Reach out to Mr. Grant immediately to get the issue corrected ASAP.
2. Email your cadets teachers and Mrs. Kryspin in regards to any absences.

If your cadet experiences Internet connections issues:

1. A parent/guardian must email Mrs. Kryspin to excuse any absences within a week period from the missed class.

  • DMA will be holding underclassmen pictures in three sittings. For cadets in Hybrid Cohort A, they will be photographed on Tuesday, February 2nd during their Naval Science class. Cadets in Hybrid Cohort B will be photographed on Thursday, February 4th during their Naval Science class. Lastly, any cadet who is 100% virtual has the opportunity to come to DMA on Tuesday, February 2nd from 12:00-2:00 pm. Pictures will be taken in the Mess Hall and Drill deck. An order form will be sent out via the BAND app later this week.

As strange as the past year has been, it has only fueled DMA’s desire to elevate our school to new heights! We are constantly evaluating all of our programs/departments and looking for creative and innovative ways to give our kids the best we have to offer!

Have a great week!

Anthony Pullella

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