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Wecome Back!

Good morning Seahawk Nation!

We are a couple days away from the first day of school and we are very excited to have our cadets back with us, celebrating our twentieth year anniversary! The facilities look spectacular, thanks to our Maintenance Department, and the Staff all have their rooms looking sharp and ready to welcome back our cadets for what promises to be a great year!

Here are a couple need-to-knows as we prepare to get underway:

  • Grooming standards: ALL cadets must adhere to the grooming standards. Please do not start your year off on a negative note. Wearing the uniform appropriately is one of the simplest things to do here at DMA, and that is wearing it with pride and respect.  Prepare your uniform now, hang it up and have everything ready to go.  This will alleviate any unnecessary stress in the morning, especially on the first day.  By this time, all of our cadets should have tried on their uniform and shoes and exchanged anything that did not fit properly, in order to meet the standard.  Haircut appointments should have already been made (remember, twisted, braided or mullet style hairstyles are not acceptable).  Unauthorized piercings also need to be removed.
  • Arrive early: Middleboro Road will back up, like clockwork at 7:00am. There is no way around it and no way to avoid it, other than arriving early. Cadets who drive are to come in the main entrance, drive behind McDonald Hall and either park down at the bottom of the hill or come around the building and make a right, then park near the dome.  Cadets who get a ride to school are to come in the main entrance and pull in front of McDonald Hall (second building), you will then be directed from that point forward as to where to disembark.  Our process is seamless and it takes all of one time to figure out.  You will exit out the second entrance by the Dome.  NO cars should enter near the Dome in the morning.  Please be patient with one another, and take your time.  Cadets and Staff cross the street frequently, and the last thing we want is for an accident to occur.  The speed limit in the parking lot is 5MPH.  Afternoon dismissal is a little different: You will enter through the first entrance (main entrance) and you have the choice to line up around the side of McDonald Hall or find open parking spaces and your cadet can come to you.  We will first release bus riders and then direct the car line in front of Talley Hall.  As your cadet arrives, we will exit you out the main entrance.  For those who chose to park, you can base your exit strategy on which exit is less congested.  Sounds more confusing than it is, and after a day or two, it will become routine.  Dismissal in the afternoon is 2:40pm.
  • Bus transportation: Bus Routes have been posted on the DMA website If you plan to ride the bus, please visit the website and review the ten routes to determine which bus and stop location works best for you. Additionally, once you determine your bus route, you should sign up for the Remind App associated with that particular bus to receive important updates.  Please arrive at your stop at least ten minutes early on the first few days.  Additionally, please exercise patience as the drivers and cadets get acclimated to the routes.  Any questions or concerns with the bus routes, please contact Ken Gatson @ and again, please be patient on requested changes to the stops.  These will be handled in a priority status based on safety.
  • Class schedules: Sophomore, Junior and Senior schedules for the 2022-2023 school year are available to view in Home Access Center (HAC). In order to access HAC, ALL cadets will need to reset their accounts. Cadets should check their DMA email accounts for additional details on how to access HAC.  Taylor sent the email.  Logging into and viewing courses on Schoology will only show cadets their first semester courses.  Freshmen schedules will be given to cadets during their first block class on the first day of school.


We look forward to being back and sharing a memorable year with our beloved Seahawk family!


pullella 20 year signature


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