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The Delaware Military Academy seeks to ensure all students in attendance are afforded a safe and secure environment in which to learn and grow. Here you’ll find information regarding our educators, as well as, a variety of documents addressing DMA policies, Cadet conduct, early dismissal, and more.

To All DMA Cadet Parents

As a parent of a Cadet at the Delaware Military Academy, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask for certain information about your child’s classroom teachers and requires us to give you this information in a timely manner if you ask for it. Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers.

  • Whether the teacher has met all Delaware licensing and certification requirements for the grades and subjects he or she teaches.
  • Whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency or other provisional certificate because of special circumstances.
  • The teacher’s major, whether the teacher has any advanced degrees, and if so, the subject of the degrees.
  • Whether any paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if they do, their qualifications.
If you would like to receive any of this information, please contact Debra Certesio.

Policy Documents

Cadet Handbook &
Code of Conduct
Title I
Schoolwide Plan
Title I
Complaint Procedure
Title IX
Grading Scale
DMA Bullying
Prevention Poilcy
Approved Plan
School Profile
Internet Safety and Responsible Use Policy
Family Engagement
(English & Spanish)
Annual Assessment
DMA Policy for Creating a New Club
Annual State of
DE School Report Card
Athletic and Extracurricular Eligibility Policy
Freedom of
Information Act
Cadet Early
Dismissal Policy

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